Our Target by 2024

0 M
4 million daily active users
0 k
Over 12k open job positions
0 M
Over 20 million stories shared

About JomJobs

By 2025, JomJobs aims to assist millions of individuals in developing their careers with one million companies in Asia, all with the clear goal of assisting people in leading more productive and fulfilling lives at work and assisting organizations in succeeding. With free access to job searches, resume posting, and company research, JomJobs aims to prioritize job seekers. We open up new opportunities for millions of people every day.

At JomJobs we are committed to operating in a sustainable way with a focus on the long-term. This includes a commitment to have a positive impact on the communities in which we operate.

Your Dream Jobs Are Waiting

JomJobs is a diverse group of companies with a strong portfolio of online employment, educational, commercial, and volunteer businesses.